A Huge Victory By a Slim Margin

US Supreme Court

Yesterday SCOTUS delivered two 5-4 decisions, and I assure you BHO isn’t one bit happy. The First Amendment got a reprieve when the High Court upheld the argument that non-union members should not be forced to pay union fees to cover collective bargaining costs for union members. Religious freedom was also spared another poison dart when Hobby Lobby, and like small businesses with moral objections to contraceptive methods that destroy or interrupt a fertilized egg from implantation in the womb, won their case allowing them to exclude those particular contraceptive drugs or devices from their Obamacare required health care plans.

BHO’s frustration with SCOTUS must be at an all-time high considering he just got a unanimous smack down last week on his unlawful recess appointments. But that won’t stop Dear Leader. He just announced that he will attempt immigration reform on his own. What an awesome idea! I guess it hasn’t occurred to him that his previously issued Executive Order on immigration was practically a written invitation to foreign minors to come to America. Don’t get me wrong, we all know the border situation has been out of control forever; but let’s be honest, this administration and it’s party has no desire to correct or control the problem. I think Nancy Pelosi spoke for all of them when she said, “We are all Americans – north and south in this hemisphere.”

Back to the court … There is a reason BHO wanted – and still wants – to load Federal courts from the lowest to the highest level with progressive judges. Progressives know the majority of their agenda won’t be enacted through legislation. There are still enough conservatives and independents around to throw a monkey wrench into their legislative agenda at the state level. If something slips through, they take it to court and hope it will get elevated up to an Obama-appointed Federal judge.

At the Federal legislative level, they can always count on Harry Reid. This guy is a dirty birdy. He is the Bill Laimbeer of Congress. (Sorry, Billy Boy. You know I love you, the Pistons – Bad Boys – and always will.) Reid does what he has to do, unashamed and unapologetically. They don’t call him Dirty Harry for nothing! As for progressive appointed judges, the progs need them in place to overturn existing laws, rule them unconstitutional, uphold court challenged progressive laws, etc.

With regard to SCOTUS, the highest, most critical (and sometimes most dangerous) court in our Nation, BHO knows this is where his legacy lies. He wants desperately to make it to that critical majority of five progressive justices. Look how much the progs have accomplished in the last six years working around the legislative process, through courts and Executive Orders. Let’s be real! BHO has really only enacted one thing he wanted through legislation – Obamacare, and it has been a crapshow from day one.

The two decisions I referenced at the beginning of this blog came down to 5-4 majority decisions. It seems every time cases like these work their way to the top of the judicial hierarchy, particularly ones involving social issues, the decisions are split 5-4. The way I see it, America is one justice away from losing its freedoms. Securing that fifth seat on the Supreme Court with a progressive judge would be Obama’s dream come true and would put the final nail in the coffin of America. It’s clear to me that progressives are absolutely comfortable striping individual Americans of their Constitutional rights and freedoms and handing over a scary and every increasing amount of power and authority to the Federal government. If you aren’t scared yet, you should be.




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